Cacao nib oat crunch
This is a recipe you are going to love. Indulge in the goodness of a cacao nib oat crunch biscuit! it’s packed with antioxidants as cacao nibs can promote heart health, improve mood, and provide a guilt-free burst of energy. It’s a nutritious, guilt-free treat and healthy indulgence.
Cacao nib oat crunch
Makes 12
100g GF plain flour
100g GF oats
75g organic raw caster sugar
25g ground flaxseed
2 tbsp chia seed
3 tbsp cacao nibs
2 tbsp collagen peptides
100g odourless coconut oil
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp of boiling water
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
Preheat the oven to Fan 160 and line 2 trays with parchment paper.
Add the first 7 ingredients to a bowl and mix well.
Melt the coconut oil in a saucepan on a low heat.
Once it has melted, add the honey and stir it well.
Add the boiling water and immediately add the bicarbonate of soda and stir again. The mix will foam and fizz up (which is what you want it to do).
remove from the heat and add the dry ingredients you mixed in a bowl.
Spoon out 12 balls of the mixture and add 6 to a tray. Spread them out as they will flatten into discs.
Bake for 15 -18 minutes.
Remove and use a food presentation ring and swirl the cookie around to form a nice circle shape (optional)
Leave them to cool and firm up with a nice crunch.