Chicken liver pâté

Chicken liver is cheap and readily available. Making your own pâté, allows you to choose good quality organic liver. This is the perfect food to help calm down inflammation and boost your energy, due the high levels of iron and vitamin A. This nutrient dense superfood is a complete protein and will help strengthen your digestive and immune system.

Chicken liver pate


  • 1 red onion, roughly sliced

  • 1 garlic, roughly chopped

  • 1 tsp turmeric powder

  • 1 tbsp odourless coconut oil

  • 250g organic chicken liver

  • 50g odourless coconut oil

  • 2-3 sprigs of thyme (leaves only)

  • 2 tbsp of Fino (dry sherry), optional

  • 1-2 tbsp odourless coconut oil

  • Sea salt and black pepper to season

  • 1 garlic clove, thyme leaves and 2 tbsp odourless coconut oil to seal the pâté

On a gentle heat, soften the onion, garlic and turmeric powder for a few minutes with 1 tbsp of the coconut oil. Add the chicken liver along with the thyme leaves and cook for a further 5 - 8 minutes before adding the 50g of coconut oil. The liver should still be a little pink inside.

Add the Fino (sherry), if using and allow this to simmer for a minute or 2. Taste and season with sea salt and black pepper.

Allow to cool down and then blitz until smooth.

To finish the pâté - gently brown thin slices of a garlic cloves with more thyme leaves in 1-2 tbsp of odourless coconut oil. The garlic should be a light brown. Remove them from the oil to stop them cooking and burning.

Add your pâté mix to your serving dish or small airtight jar. Allow the mixture to cool down and then pour onto the the pâté. Not only will this add flavour, but it also acts as a lid and seals it.


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