Blood Orange and berry smoothie

This natural energy smoothie is full of great vitamins, minerals, fibre, iron. The maca powder used is a great way to boost your iron levels and balance out those hormones, particularly during perimenopause / menopause. The coconut water helps to restore hydration and replenish your electrolytes, which help to maintain proper fluid levels in your body. This gut healthy and anti-inflammatory drink is a refreshing way to start the day.

blood orange and berry smoothie.  Gut healthy and energising

Blood orange and berry smoothie


serves 2-3

  • 1 large strip of the orange rind (pith removed)

  • 2 blood oranges, peeled and pips removed (you can substitute with normal oranges)

  • 2 handfuls of strawberries (fresh or frozen)

  • 2 handfulls of blueberries (fresh or frozen)

  • 5 tbsp GF oats

  • 2 tbsp bovine collagen powder

  • 2 tbsp maca powder

  • 3 tbsp hemp seed (shelled)

  • 250ml coconut water

Add all the ingredients to your blender and blitz until smooth.


Homemade Granola


Porridge with grilled pears