Nutritional Life

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Beef brisket - 7 hours slow cooking

Beef brisket is a meat that needs to be cooked low and slow. Its a cheap meat cut but has excellent flavour and once cooked is melt in the mouth tender.

Quality grass fed beef brisket is wonderfully easy to digest. The omega 3 in the meat is anti inflammatory and satiating, keeping you fuller for longer


Serves 8 people

  • Beef Brisket 1.7kg (not rolled)

  • 2-3 tbsp GF Worcestershire Sauce

  • Sea salt and pepper for seasoning

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 - 3 stems of rosemary

  • 1 red onion, sliced into half moon thin slices

  • 1/2 swede, peeled and cut into small cubes

  • 3 carrots (no need to peel, but ends removed), cut into circles

  • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped

  • big bunch of rosemary leaves, finely chopped

  • 2 tbsp tomato paste

  • 200ml bone broth

  • chopped parsley and chilli flakes to garnish

bring your brisket upto room temperature for about 1 hour before cooking.

Season all over with sea, pepper and the Worcestershire sauce. Rub the base of an ovenproof dish that has a fitted lid with 1 Tbsp olive oil and add the rosemary stems. Add the seasoned beef brisket and cover with a fitted lid. Place in the oven FAN 130 for 6 hours.

Add the rest of the ingredients to the beef brisket, and give the mixture a good stir. Cover again with the lid and place back in the oven FAN 160 for 1 hour.

Remove the beef to a carving board and cover with foil and allow the meat the rest for 40 minutes. sieve the gravy juice into a jug and place into the freezer. After 20 minutes, the fat will have collected at the top, so you can easily scoop this away (or your gravy will taste greasy). Return the gravy back to the ovenproof dish with the vegetables and return back to the oven with the lid removed for about 20 minutes. Taste and season with sea salt and pepper if required. Slice the beef against the grain and add back into the dish with the gravy. Garnish with chopped parsley and chilli flakes

Serve with steamed green broccoli